Why donate to the Foundation for Democracy in Africa (FDA)? The media often exposes us to disturbing images of violence, oppression and poverty on the African continent. Starving children, war-ravaged landscapes and hopeless images of despair fill the airwaves at every mention of the African continent. If you have often wondered what can be done, and have wanted to make a difference, supporting The Foundation for Democracy in Africa (FDA) is good way to do so. FDA's work in the implementation of culturally-based programs designed to strengthen and enhance democracy, freedom and economic plurality throughout Africa require extensive financial and technical support. As the custodian of WHADN (which aims to unite the diaspora to contribute to the development of the continent), Institute for Democracy in Africa (aimed at education and research) and the AGOA Civil Society Network (which rallies civil society organizations around issues concerning US-African trade), FDA has a great need for your contribution. Your donation will make a great difference in the advancing and implementation of our various projects and initiatives under these programs and ultimately, make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate and oppressed on the African continent. For more information about specific FDA projects and initiatives or queries regarding donating online to FDA, please email comments@democracy-africa.org or call 202-331-1333. Ways to Donate: |
DonationsThough you are welcome to donate any amount, we suggest you use the below donation levels in choosing the amount you decide to donate. |
$50-$99 Donation: Democracy Supporter
Receive certificate of appreciation
$100-$249 Donation: Democracy Advocate
Receive certificate of appreciation and "Africa Can Do! Button
$250 - $999 Donation: Democracy Advocate Plus
Receive certificate of appreciation, "Africa Can Do!" Button, and The Foundation for Democracy in Africa paper weight
$1000 and above Donation: Democracy Champion
Receive certificate of appreciation, "Africa Can Do!" Button, and The Foundation for Democracy in Africa paper weight and mug, and be listed as a donor in FDA's annual report