Political Management Certificate Program (PMCP)
Elections are no stronger than the political parties that field candidates who provide coherent, attractive choices to voters. This course of study is designed for professionals who manage political campaigns, officials who manage party structures and politicians who run for office.
PM1 Campaign Management and Election Monitoring
Managing a campaign requires people-oriented skills, as well as financial skills and most importantly ethical skills. This course covers the ABCs of campaign management: candidate selection, fund raising strategy, keeping an accurate and detailed accounting system, campaign advertisement, poll sampling techniques, developing issues and the derivative platform, soliciting for volunteers, how to file campaign reports and, most importantly, the training of an independent group of volunteers to serve as poll watchers.
PM2 Political Parties in Developing Countries
Political parties are as varied as the societies in which they operate. This course will examine the history of political parties in developing countries, particularly Africa and the Caribbean, identify various national experiences with political parties and document the role political parties are playing in the democratization process.
PM3 Democratic Elections in Developing Countries
Elections are the central institution of democratic representative governments. In a democracy the authority of the government derives solely from the consent of the governed. This course will provide a historical perspective of democratic elections in Africa and the Caribbean and the benchmark for grading those elections. Case studies of successful elections in recent times are included.
PM4 Team Building in Political Organizations
Workplace groups can be chaotic and unproductive or focused and effective. Whether your organization uses formal teams, people need to work effectively in groups. This course will explore group dynamics, leadership, decision making and facilitation. Participants will also learn practical tips and tools for building cohesive workgroups.
PM5 Leadership Dynamics in Political Organizations
What are the qualities and traits of a “good” leader? What skills should you possess to become an effective leader? This course will examine in detail the functions of a leader; leadership styles; and the importance of human relation skills in influencing, directing and motivating employees. Moreover, delegating tasks, taking risks and making decisions also will be discussed.
PM6 Strategic Planning in Political Organizations
Effective planning is one of the keys to organizational survival and success. In this course, participants will learn a step by step planning process that will help them monitor the environment, assess the competition and organize strategies within the framework of a longrange plan. Topics include: why planning is both strategic and long range, clarifying the purpose of your organization, environmental and competitive analysis, strategy formulation, staffing and stakeholder roles in planning.
The Political Management Certificate Program (PMCP) – blends the theoretical with the practical to make the course relevant. Participants will also participate in site visits, networking with peers, and social events.